Did you know that the way you express your sexuality has a lot to do with the type of man you attract and how he treats you and sees you? Also, did you know 75% of women do not orgasm during sex? This means that the relationship you have with your sexual self will largely determine your love success and happiness.
Every woman was born to experience great love and epic sex, yet many do not. Usually they feel as though they’re settling in some way. Either the sex is pretty good, though the relationship is not leaving much to be desired. Or the guy is lovely, he’s a catch, though there’s no physical spark.
If this sounds at like you then SOTIL is perfect for you.
Secret’s Of the Irresistible lover is all about sensuality and how to inspire and attract a man on a deep level; a sensual level versus a sexual level, there is a BIG difference, and this will dramatically boost attraction and inspire a lasting connection.
In a nutshell – SOTIL is a conscious sexuality product for women who wish to improve their sex life and to enhance their emotional connection with a man. It’s all about profound, passionate and pleasurable love and love-making. Yes, you can have it all.
PLUS $290.95 worth of free bonuses that are only available with Secrets Of The Irresistible Lover –>The Lover’s Embrace, Sculptations Love & Intimacy Tracks, Let Your Sex Life Fly and Attract Your Perfect Lover
All for $49.95.