Imagine that your best friends’ husband calls you to let you know that his wife, your best friend, has been in an accident. He tells you that even though she’s safe, she’s a bit rattled, and he thought that she would love to hear from you. So, what would you do? Text her or call her? Now imagine that you really…
Fusce mauris leo, dapibus quis est in, elementum elementum odio. Vivamus ornare lectus urna, vitae faucibus ligula imperdiet vitae. Morbi posuere tortor at purus venenatis, in dignissim libero volutpat. Curabitur a auctor urna, ullamcorper consectetur elit. Nullam nunc neque, porta quis lacinia non, accumsan vel eros. Suspendisse gravida sit amet ligula varius dictum. Pellentesque sollicitudin, tellus vel semper iaculis, tellus…